
Я буду сильной всем на зло,
Я буду красивой всем на зависть,
Я буду говорить что мне хорошо,
Чтоб другие улыбались!!!


Весна прийшла, любов знайшла
І ця любов, така прекрасна,
Що з нею розквітає все,
І квіти, і сади, і зорії ясні.

Любов ця ніжна і сердечна,
Мов чистої води сльоза,
Прозора, ясна, гармонічна
Неначе Божая свята душа.


''New person''

Journalist: Iryna Isakova
Person: Volodymyr Shkambara 
Phone interview:
“He is not the ordinary person from Uzhhorod, it is Volodymyr Shkambara!’’
Hello Volodymyr! I would like to ask you a few questions. 
Hi Iryna. Of course I'm against phone interview!
Good! Began! The first question.

1 What is most important for you in life?
-The most important for me in my life is family because I feel their support and help.

2 The best advice you were given? Who was it?
-I had a lot of advice but the best advice was from my mother. at that time I had to solve a complex issue and My mother gave me advice that helped me. 

3 What helps you make the right decisions in difficult situations?
-Make the right decisions in difficult situations, help me, my family and friends that I have enough.

4 They say that in life you need to try everything. Are there things that you never try?
- Yes of course. Here, for example, I would not be flown by helicopter. I'm afraid of heights since childhood.

5 What is your dream has come true?
- I bought a mobile phone that has long dreamed of.

6 what is your profession? Do you like it?
- My profession engineer. So I like my job and what I do.

7 Do you have anything recipe for success? Tell us about it!
-No unfortunately not. I just actively develop their skills and talents and not dwelling on barriers.

8 What factor has made a major contribution to your success?
- What is the factor I do not remember. There were quite a lot

9 How do you perceive the criticism?
- I take criticism positively.

10 Do you motivate yourself? If so, how?
- No I can not motivate.

11 What is your motto? Do you have it?
- Be not hasty to do because it will be necessary to adapt.

12 What would you want from the future?
- I do not know.

13 How do you spend your free time?
- My free time I spend with your pet.

14 If you catch a goldfish, what three wishes make come true?
- Unfortunately, I do not like fishing. So that the goldfish will not

15 What would you do on the last day of his life? 
-Оn the last day of my life I said goodbye to friends and family and ask them for forgiveness for all the bad things I did for them.

Thank you for the interesting interview! Goodbye Volodymyr!

Iryna Isakova 2015


Vocaroo Voice Message

Vocaroo Voice Message
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
My strengths are:
1. I can work under pressure.
2. I am optimistic towards my career and my life.
3. I am proactive.
4. I believe in team work.

My weakness are:
1 I never relaxes till my work get completed
2. It is hard to me to say no if anyone ask for help.



"The Island Tinkersiv" 
I want to tell you about their impressions of the book that I read. The book is called "The Island Tinkersiv" authored by Stephen Rabelais.
The story is about a girl Jenny and her father Sam Tinker.  The history is interesting, because it is addictive. The main characters of the story is a girl Jenny and her father Sam Tinker.   With Jenny and her father happens to a lot of different adventures. At first, Sam was taken to prison and sent to the ship to Australia. But Jenny has not thrown his father in trouble and got on the ship assistant chef. It helped them to flee, on a desert island.
Jenny and Sam lived on the island year. There were many obstacles but they were happy to island. The story ends that later explorers found them and Jenny and her father leave the island and sailed  to England.

I really enjoyed this book, there were many accidents. I captures the girl who bravely fights for the freedom of his father.