
When you help others, they will most likely help to you.
People pay attention to your efforts to do them good, and probably want to do something good for you.
Doing good to others, you're doing yourself good.
When you are helping someone, increases your self-esteem and you feel real pleasure.


My speech about Ukraine!!!

This year will not be easy for Ukraine because now the war. But I believe that history will remember as the year of the start of deep reforms that will open the way for us in the European  Union. This is my dream that together we will make in life.
Today I wish all of us peace and prosperity.

Glory to UkraineHeroes glory!


My life!!! - My pleasure!!!

Martin Luther King Day!!!
Week 16
Date: 19th – 25th of January.
Topic: Business cost and money.

As for IT-tast at week 16 it has been very interesting because topic: «money».

This week English task was very much. The  task was to Ruslana (on-line meeting on Monday and Friday ) and Ulyana (face-to-face meeting on Wednesdays ).  

Many exercises and their solutions take a long time too. I is not always understand exercise, but   read again and begin doing.

Homework consisted of 2 parts :
1)      computer exercise- writing coments to the others blog.
2)      writing exercise 4.2, 4.3 and 3 listening  at Edmodo. And writing new words to the dictionary.

On-line meeting week 16 were mostly about business cost and money.
And we learned about Martin Luther King Day.  We were talking about MLK and read  the text about his life and watched video with test. 

 Week 16 were new rules. I do not like the new rules, I ask them to remove.

Face-to-face meeting we were talking about Martin Luther King Day too. Made several practical exercises, repeated  future indefinite and said news.

It was a 16 week!!!


Пройшли ці дні,
Коли я думала про тебе:
Хто ти? Де ти? З ким?
Доволі згадувати це.
Іду від тебе й не жалію,
Може забути все ж таки.
Зустрічі з тобою  вже не хочу,
Більш того- я цього боюсь!
Скільки ночей проридалая я в постіль-
Годі!  вже я давно сміюсь.
Все що напекло- прощаю,
І сподіваюсь ти мене простиш.

А ведь случайных встреч не бывает... Это или испытание... или наказание… или подарок судьбы!!!